Michelle Ranello's blog

The House of the Dead Opera

The House of the Dead opera was the first opera I have ever seen. I have listened to opera music before and have always heard about opera but never experienced it for myself. When I think of opera I think of big people singing extremely loud. I picture those people that can hold a glass and make it break with their voices. All of this is silly and very stereotypical when it comes to opera. The House of the Dead was not what I expected to see. I am glad that it was not what I expected. I think this added to my experience.

New York Historical Society


Museum of Modern Art

On Friday I went to the Museum of Modern Art for the first time ever. I must say that I will be visiting the MOMA over and over again. I thought it was an amazing museum. I really didn't know what to expect when I walked in. I didn't realize the amound of artwork that was in the museum. Last year in highschool I took a humanities course and it extensively covered all of this artwork. When I went to the fifth floor of the museum I felt like I was inside my textbook from last year. It was actually even better then the book.


On Tuesday night, when we saw Quartett, I though it was a very unusual and entertaining production. When it began and the lights when out and we heard a loud noise it made me jump. I was like I wonder what we're in for. I thought Quartett was an exciting adventure. i have never seen anything like it before and I think that's why it appealed to me. I didn't realize it would be in french. I think having it in another language made it more appealing. It sounded so beautiful when the Marquise de Merteuil spoke her voice was amazing.

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