Museum of Modern Art

On Friday I went to the Museum of Modern Art for the first time ever. I must say that I will be visiting the MOMA over and over again. I thought it was an amazing museum. I really didn't know what to expect when I walked in. I didn't realize the amound of artwork that was in the museum. Last year in highschool I took a humanities course and it extensively covered all of this artwork. When I went to the fifth floor of the museum I felt like I was inside my textbook from last year. It was actually even better then the book. I took one of my friends with me and they thought I was so funny in the museum. I think I looked like a kid in a candystore. I ran from room to room identifying artworks and telling him everything I knew about them. One thing that suprised me so much was the massive size of some of the artworks. Les demoiselles d'avignon is so big. I was expecting to see a tiny painting. It was so big. It was amazing to see up close. I love how Picasso manipulated the laws of the human body in this painting. Some of the women are facing the painting but their heads are facing the viewer. It is impossible for our heads to be backwards.  Other women's hands and bodies are manipulated in ways that real human bodies cannot move. I also like how some of the women appear tribal because they have masks on. I thought this painting was so beautiful and so powerful up close. Another part of the musuem that I loved was the architecture area. It was cool to see a scale model of Frank Lloyd Wrights Falling Water. I hope one day to see this house up close. Some of buildings are so unusual and odd. One house was built in the shape of a T. Another building reminded me of a box. It was so cool to look at. Another one of my favorite parts of my visit to the museum was the fact that I got to see some Andy Warhol works up close. I love Andy Warhol. I have read so many of his books and love his paintings. I have always wanted to see them up close. I was so excited to see that the  MOMA had a few. I loved looking at them in the museum. One of the paintings I never saw before. It was a red background and in black blocks was a car crash painted over and over again. it was so cool to see up close the different blocks. Eachone was unique and yet so similiar to eachother. I am so happy I went to the MOMA! I cannot wait to go again on Wednesday!!