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2007 November : The Arts in New York City

Anna’a Suggestions.

Emerging Artists Exhibit at Socrates Sculpture Park.
This event, located in Long Island City, features works by various artists who have each been awarded a grant to build their own individual projects and display them in the park. The artists who have works displayed in this exhibit are not critically heralded and well know ones, but […]

Ariana’s Suggestions

Hey guys! In this “Arts in NYC” class, I feel like we’ve been focusing more on the “Arts” part, and less on the “in NYC” part. So for the last few weeks of the class, I thought it would be interesting to get to know more about the city itself, where we’ve seen so many […]

Angelique’s Suggestions

In class we’ve discussed a plethora of things, from Shakespeare to Sontag we were able to analyze many different art forms. Considering the fact that moving image has played such a vital role in shaping our culture, I think it would be interesting to visit the Museum of Moving […]

Jonathan Cordero’s Suggestions

The Frick Gallery
The collection of art in the Frick Collection is not like the art we’ve discussed in class in the past weeks. It would be nice to see classic art for a change in the New York setting. The venue is not some big museum but set I a large house whose corridors […]

Thomas’ Suggestions

1.    The Rubin Museum of Art:
a.    It is free with a cultural passport
b.    The artwork here reveals much about the many cultures that are represented. One could observe the evolution of various artistic styles in each part of Asia, as people moved from China, to Tibet, to Mongolia, to India, and so on. There are […]

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