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2007 November : The Arts in New York City

Ryan’s Venue Suggestions

Two possible venue suggestions:
1) The Paley Center for Media at the Museum of Television and Radio would make an interesting class visit. We would have access to more than 140,000 programs that cover almost 100 years of television and radio history. There is also a theater in which various elements from […]

Gabe’s ideas for class trips

My first suggestion is the Guggenheim Museum, and in particular the exhibition on Modernity in Central Europe. This exhibit is similar to the Taro and Robert Capa exhibitions, and since the class liked the Capa exhibit I thought this would be an interesting one. Drawn from several dozen American and international collections, this exhibition is […]

Possible Art venues

There are two exhibitions which are practically free:
1) The Studio Museum in Harlem is hosting an exhibit of Jacob Lawrence and his work. This particular exhibit is known as the “Migration Series” which documents the African American migration from the south to the north during the Great Depression. The exhibit is visual so only paintings […]

Two Suggestions

Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has just about everything one could want when it comes to art.  Not only is there modern art, but there are exhibitions that include all sorts of ancient art.  Right now there is an exhibition concerning ancient Egyptian art, and there’s another dedicated entirely to the artist Rembrandt.  […]

Suggestions by Zerlina

AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers
“Since 1923, the “AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers” competition has recognized excellence in book design and production. The entries judged in 2007 include books and book covers designed between January 1 and December 31 of 2006. Categories range from trade, reference and juvenile books to university and museum publications and include limited-edition and […]

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