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2007 October : The Arts in New York City

Confusing yet Intriguing by Jonathan Joa

    The Kara Walker Exhibition is an extremely different and unique form of art from what I am used to. The black silhouettes of the people are very effective in portraying how that part of America’s history was lost. The featureless bodies and dark shadows in her exhibition show that the story of black women […]

Kara Walker Exhibition - Jasmine Carayol

Jasmine Carayol
CHC 100, Section 005
October 12, 2007
Kara Walker Exhibition
Overall, the Kara Walker exhibition at the Whitney Museum was extremely disturbing.  Something about the shadowy figures, engaged in moments that conveyed historical violence, pain, and suffering was extremely eerie.  The content of Walker’s art is nothing new to me, due to my knowledge of the history […]

Kara Walker at the Whitney by Angelique Petropouleas

As I waited for the elevator I saw a disclaimer stating that the Walker exhibition was explicit and violent. I wondered how bad it could possibly be? The elevator doors opened on the third floor and I saw the wall size installation. Without paying much attention to what it depicted, I thought to myself that […]

Response to: “My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love” by Kara Walker

“Blackness… a very loaded subject, a very loaded thing to be…” I partially agree with Ms. Walker on this subject. “Blackness” is a very heavy burden. The burden increases or decreases depending upon the environment and people around you. Only the fortunate can attest to not being demeaned or insulted simply because of the high […]

Kara Walker at the Whitney


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