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2007 October : The Arts in New York City

Kara Walker @ the Whitney Museum

Sybil Chan
My experience in Kara Walker’s intriguing exhibit started the moment I stepped off the elevators of the Whitney Museum’s third floor. Before me stood a wide, panoramic wall, painted in pristine white, covered in black silhouettes. At first I was a little overwhelmed; each crisp figure clamored for my attention, and I […]

The Final Solution

Zerlina Chiu
With a style like Kara Walker’s, it is hard not to draw controversy. Any artist has his fair share of critics, but when one chooses to explore issues like race and gender with art, the response is intense. With so multifaceted and sensitive a subject, it ceases to be just about technique or the […]

The Partition by Ryan Ahuja

India is a country that has undergone much political and geographical turmoil in the past 60 years. As an individual of Indian descent and Hindu religious ties, my life has inevitably been affected by these events and my ethnic and cultural ties to the country have been shaped as a […]

A Friday Night with Kara Walker, by Ariana Tobias

One of the cleverest pieces of the Kara Walker exhibit, “Kara Walker: My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love” was easy to miss among the huge silhouette murals and the disturbing marionette films.  It didn’t show grotesque scenes of fornication, excretion or death; there were no misshapen or contorted humanoid figures performing unspeakable acts; […]

Gabe’s version of the Kara Walker exhibition

The Kara Walker Exhibition surprised me; it was not what I expected. I expected realistic drawings of African slaves being mistreated, but when I got there I saw Kara’s unique form of artwork. Her artwork consisted mainly of black paper cut outlines of people.  I thought it was interesting that most figures in each artwork […]

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