maxilia's blog

Nature as Art?

 The Snapshot pictures got me to thinking, if nature in itself was a form of art to be appreciated. Personally, I think the way nature seeps into the city is a form of art. In Patricia's photograph of the Cathedral and of the statue that resided in such place, there existed a sense of nature's presence. Perhaps I sensed it in the water filling the fountain or in the trees that played a role in the background. The point is that without such a context of nature, I believed the photograph would not have been as beautiful, or for that matter the statue in itself.

Snapshots NYC

 This past Sunday was the day of the Snapshot pictures and I took my pictures in riverside park. I actually took a whole bunch of photographs on mostly nature oriented subjects ranging from water to trees to rocks to sunlight. I noticed that in order to capture a beautiful shot, I did not necessarily need to prepare myself in any way. I did not give the photographs much thought in regards to angle, zoom, or even my body position itself. Nevertheless, each photograph was unique in its own way. Each image revealed its beauty by simply exposing nature itself.

DANCE @ CityCenter

In general I found the dance performance to be entertaining in the fact that it was different from what most would expect. I went into the theatre awaiting a typical ballet performance; however, I was surprised during the second and fourth performances. At first, I thought the second dance was rather strange and repetitive. Yet, once they started to change up the dance a bit,away from the "crazy-like running in place" move, I began to see the artists as performing interpretative dance. Personally, I found the second performance to be representative of a newborn come to life.

Understanding Camera Lucida Part II

 I've come to a conclusion in regards to the content of this book. It seems after all that the book is, in fact, far from a reflection on photography as it claims to be. Instead I view it as a hidden autobiographical piece of literature. Barthes seems to talk about himself a great deal and refuses to take on the perspective of someone other than him. For instance, when he describes photography he limits himself to undergoing the photograph or observing the image, both roles he has played.



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