public art

Snapshot NYC

Snapshot NYC for me was a great experience, being able to go to a neighborhood I really liked, take some photos, which I don't normally do, and finally manipulating them to get the right effect. (I won't be saying what I did to leave it a surprise until I present my photos.) This exercise/assignment made me look very closely at the city we live in, and I noticed things I woudn't normally notice such as the kinds of stores, restaurants, and small bits of street art and stickers on street lights that are spread throughout the neighborhood.

whitney.porter's picture

A More Structured Form of Art

Last night I was taking the Q-train back to Manhattan from Brooklyn, and I noticed an interesting display of artwork outside of the subway car. As the train sped past the wall in front of me, I noticed tiny light filled slits in the wall. I looked closer and noticed that through each of these openings I could see pieces of images. Each portion of the image combined with the one following it to create the illusion of movement in the pictures. One of the pictures I remember was a childlike rocket ship that took of for space as we passed by.

Film in NY

 I find it odd that although we claim to be in a "Arts in NY" course, we have not yet mentioned film as a form of art, nor have touched upon the subject of film at all. New York is such a central point for filmography, there are countless films created right here in New York. I was in Union Square Park on Wednesday and I experienced firsthand film students working on a project right in the middle of Union Square Park. There were various students form the New York Film Academy attempting to record. Exactly what they were trying to accomplish I'm not sure.

Glass Apple

 I had to go to the apple store on 5th avenue this week to buy my mom a birthday present. I had never been there before, so I was nervous that i wouldn't be able to find it. When I finally got out of the subway, stubbed my toe on a door so hard that it started gushing blood, and walked the few blocks to the store, I amost started laughing at myself out of the perposterousness that i woudnt be able to find it. There is no way that anyone wouldn't be able to find this particular Apple store.

Patty's picture

Darfur, is it a lost cause?

Art is a medium used to open people’s eyes.
On a Tuesday night I attended an exhibit called Darfur/Darfur. It was organized in order to promote and spread awareness about the situation in Darfur. It is a travelling exhibition that through digitally projected images aims to open people’s eyes to the catastrophe that is happening in Sudan. It is only one of the steps taken by the organization in NYC, which during the week of G-8 meetings, is planning more protest and rallies.

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