nyc arts

Chinese Music at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Today, I went to a lecture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art called "Bamboo and Silk," which was about the history of music in China over the last 8000 years from crane bone flutes from 6000 BCE to the beginning of Western influence in Chinese music starting in 1912 when the Quin Dynasty ended. The lecture, in my opinion, was really dull, but there was a silver lining on that gray cloud when an ensemble of Chinese musicians played some music from various parts of China (but mainly Cantonese) and from various periods of time from ancient to new-ish.


 Last Thursday, I attended an ASEDOM club event. ASEDOM is a club dedicated to the dominican community in Baruch. Its event, called "Kumbacarey" was a celebration of the Dominican culture during communist rule, specifically when Trujillo, the country's last dictator was in power. This kind of afro dominican style of music was banned while he was in rule, as were many other things.

whitney.porter's picture

An Eclectic Mess of Artwork

whitney.porter's picture

A More Structured Form of Art

Last night I was taking the Q-train back to Manhattan from Brooklyn, and I noticed an interesting display of artwork outside of the subway car. As the train sped past the wall in front of me, I noticed tiny light filled slits in the wall. I looked closer and noticed that through each of these openings I could see pieces of images. Each portion of the image combined with the one following it to create the illusion of movement in the pictures. One of the pictures I remember was a childlike rocket ship that took of for space as we passed by.

Fall for Dance

Fall for dance was intense. It was so many different styles and interpretations of dance that it was like "BAM"-It hit you in the face. I loved that we got to see one of the more exciting programs that were held throughout Fall for Dance's run at City Center because my roommate was telling me about her experience and I found that mine was much better. Seeing the show made me miss dancing so badly and so i was feeling very melancholy but I knew that because watching the show had inspired me to dance again, I had appreciated the dancers' talent. 

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