Young Kyu Park's blog

Integration of the people in the United States.

I once read an article about a CIA report on about how increasing number of immigrants, growing ethnic diversity, and whites no longer being a majority in the United States in the near future might possibly endanger the national security of the States.

Ave H

             Before we got off at the Avenue H train station, we expected a lot of commercial stores and busy people in the street. It was totally the opposite of what we thought it would be like. There was barely anyone walking in the street, but few people hanging around the stores. However, walking few blocks away from the station was Brooklyn College, probably the only thing there was to look at. In addition, it seemed that the majority of people in the neighborhood were black and Hispanic.

Newkirk Ave

            Walking around the neighborhood, observing the stores, what was sold, what kind of people walked around, we noticed that it was a very culturally diverse stop. There was a Caribbean restaurant, Chinese restaurant, Bangladesh snack shop, Indian Restaurant, and many others. It’s really interesting because in that Bangladesh shop, you would assume that the owner would sell goods from his native country, but after asking him, we learned the imports were from Turkey!
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