Pavel Faynleyb's blog

Chinamerican Culture

U.S. News and World Report’s “Success Story of One Minority Group in U.S.” and Peter Kwong’s “A Model Minority Community” describe the people and customs of the various United States Chinatowns. The two reports, although similar in theme, present the material in very different manners. U.S. News and World Report establishes a very superficial and shallow view of Chinatown. It describes Chinatown as a ‘model’ society where individual hard work and continuous studying can reap great benefits.

Broken Dreams

Twentieth century New York City was a time of profound political change and social reorganization. The post World War II era particularly marked the change by introducing several prominent movements, such as the Zionist movement and the Great Migration. Although both movements were very crucial to their respective cultures, the Great African-American Migration holds a deeper root in American society. Joshua Freedman’s “Freedom Now” elaborates on the importance and consequences of the Great Migration in New York City.

Sheepshead Bay

 For our project, we focused on the Sheepshead Bay community. We invite you to watch our video to preview all the great history and places of interest Sheepshead Bay has to offer. Furthermore, we also invite you to make the trip down to Sheepshead Bay and experience the rich neighborhood firsthand.

Homosexuality, Bohemianism, and New York

 "Qershor 2008." St. John's Valdosta Blog. Web. 09 Mar. 2010. <>.



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