"Little Italy"

Picture created by Charles Roger Grooms aka Red Grooms in 1989.

For my blog posting, I found a picture of "Little Italy" that I think represents mostly everything that is talked about in "Inventing Little Italy" by Donna R. Gabaccia. If you remember, there were a lot of mentions of many stories written by journalists about the dangers of Italy such as murder of passion, and lust for love. When you look to the left of the picture in the second window, there is a couple in lip lock. I believe that this represents the passion that is found in "Little Italy." Koven has stated that Little Italy was a "sexed space" where it was scary to see how passionate the immigrants in "Little Italy" were in their search for love and revenge.

Next, there is contrast in the picture. The sky is blue and clear which represent tranquility. However, on the ground below, it is hectic and chaotic. I think that it reflects what was going on in "Little Italy" at that time. Gabaccia spoke of how there were multitude of pushcarts out on the street, and little children running around naked.

Lastly, there is reference to "The Italian in New York" by Jacob A. Riis. Looking to the right, there is a woman looking out of a window. I think she represents the "faithful wives and devoted mothers" mentioned by Riis. She is wearing a white dress which symbolizes innocence and being faithful. In addition, she is holding a pot of purple lilac flowers and in the language of flowers; it means the first emotion of love. The woman is feeling love for her husband and therefore, there is devotion to her man.