Biased Education System?

Many southern blacks moved to New York City in hopes of greater freedom and less discrimination. As stated in Freeman's reading New York seemed like the pocket of racial liberalism. The Whitmans, a black family stated that the public education for their daughter was better than the education in Georgia. However the Whitmans along with other black families experienced constraints by discrimination in many areas including education. 

In this day and age we would be shocked to witness segregation occur in our schools. Mentioned once before in class, the segregated proms in Georgia's Montgomery County high school made headlines all across the nation. The NY Times article, A Prom Divided, states that black members of the student council say that they have asked school administrators about holding a single prom but all efforts have failed. It is shocking to see that there are still some similarities in today's schools and the ones described in Feedman's book. The chapter Freedom Now states that within the New York school system segregation was widespread, with white schools getting more resources and experienced teachers than predominantly Black schools. 

Due to some recent research I've been doing on standardized testing I'm inclined to think that the process of racism or segregation in the education system is subtly taking effect and has not completely been abolished. In a current article in written in Education Week by Catherine Gewertz, its states that SAT results showed persistent racial and ethnic gaps. Black student trailed white students, who had the highest reading scores of any ethnic or racial group, by 99 points. Those of Mexican heritage scored lower by 75 points and those of Asian decent lagged by 12 points. In math Asian students posted the highest scores, with white students trailing them by 51 points, black students lagging by and astonishing 161 points, and Puerto Rican students behind by 137 points. The chart below represents the different racial groups and their respective SAT score. This goes to show the discrepancies in the current standard of education. The reason for such discrepancies is not that one race or ethnic group is "smarter" than the other, it is that the material that is being tested delineates biased towards a specific race. 

In an effort to appease the situation, affirmative action rules have been instated to balance out the racial and ethnic biases instilled in the nations education system. Though meetings, rallies and school boycotts worked in the 1960s, a more politically based action is required today to ensure the equality of all races within our education system.



 2001 College-bound Seniors' Average SAT Scores by Group


Ethnic Group


American Indian


Asian American




Mexican American


Puerto Rican


Other Hispanic or Latino





