How to Ace a Virtual Interview

By: Marie-Elise Milius

For years employers have conducted standard in-person interviews. They are still the front runner for vetting new employees, however, the advancement of technology has changed the game. With the innovation of smartphones and laptops/computers with cameras, employers have started to utilize their new options. It is especially useful when applying to jobs in another state or abroad. Keep reading to find out essential tips on how to ace your virtual interview.



It is crucial that you have a strong Wi-fi connection during your virtual interview. You do not want to be mid-sentence as your screen reboots, ending the call. To ensure this will not happen, restart your computer and enter the call through a brand new browser page.


Eliminate Distractions

If you have to put a “Quiet” sign on your door, or text your entire family you are on an important call, DO IT! And don’t forget to put your own phone on silent. There is nothing more embarrassing when you’re in an interview and your phone goes off.


Dress to Impress

Just because it is a virtual interview, does not mean you should be in pajamas. Still dress as though you are going to a face-to-face interview. You can read about what is appropriate to wear during an interview. Don’t worry, you can still wear pajama bottoms, as long as they do not show


Eye Contact is Important

The trick to keep your eye contact is to keep your eyes always on your laptop/computer screen. You can look straight into the camera or look at the interviewer. However, try not to look around you. That is why you need to eliminate distractions while on the call. Also, do your best to not look at yourself. It can definitely be tempting at times, especially when nervous.


Prepare as if it is a Regular Interview

Lastly, keep in mind that face-to-face or not, a virtual interview is still an interview. You should still prepare the same way you would any other interview. Remember to research the company, answer interview practice questions and form questions to ask the interviewer.


Final Notes

Keep in mind to be seated in front of a background that is neutral as possible. A desk is an ideal place for a virtual interview. Sitting at a desk will also help you keep your posture.

Here are some articles to read more about more tips.

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