Skills2Succeed Academy | A Virtual Career Development Tool

By: Sebastian Leung


Skills2Succeed Academy is a wonderful tool that offers great advice on careers, from all things like starting your job search or advancing in your job. Read on to learn about what exactly the academy is, how to use it, and why you should take advantage of this great site, even if it looks a little old school.


What is Skills2Succeed?

Skills2Succeed is a website that has different videos, exercises, and questions to help you with your career, regardless of  what stage you’re in. Whether you’re looking for help with your resume, need to know what to say during an interview, or want to learn how to ask for promotions or a raise. All the information on career development is available through the resources on the site. There are videos, questions, and interactive scenarios to help you with whatever you might need.



How do I use Skills2Succeed?

To use Skills2Succeed, you must go to in your browser. In order to log in to the site, click learner registration, fill in your information and use the Learner Access Code “04NYmh”.


Once logged in, you’ll be greeted by  a video of someone telling you more about Skills2Succeed. There are several buttons to click that look like road signs. To get started, simply select the topic you’d like to learn more about and click on the sign. The first category is You and Your Career. In this section, you’ll find information about careers, career choices, and additional related topics. You can also learn about what makes you tick and how to find your interests. In the second category, Getting a Job, there is information about your skills, making good impressions, resumes, interviews, and much more. And in the final section, Success in Work, information about preparing for new jobs, managing your career, and other similar topics are readily available. Understanding relationships at work, and using your skills to stay employed are also in the final section.


When you’ve decided which module you’d like to work on, simply select it and inside each you’ll find videos and exercises. Each has a different scenario, where you’ll have to make choices as you learn various topics. I suggest that you go through all the modules, even if you think you’ve mastered some of the topics they cover. The information provided is incredibly  insightful and you’re guaranteed to learn something new. Most of the videos are only a few minutes long. Going through a module doesn’t take more than 15 minutes, so learning new things with Skills2Succeed is quick AND easy.


Why Should I Use Skills2Succeed?

Overall, Skills2Succeed is a very helpful platform with loads of information presented in easy, digestible segments. As a personal testimony, Skills2Succeed helped me brush up on my interview techniques and helped me land my summer internship. I was able to learn how to properly word answers to interview questions and how to make good answers even better. Using this great tool, you’ll be able to achieve great things with your career. So give it a shot today!


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