
College News

New data storytelling course is part of an initiative to acquaint non-STEM students with critical tech skills.

A growing number of leaders across sectors and industries rely upon not just data but people who can tell them what data means. Last winter, Macaulay piloted an intensive course on data storytelling to help advance these in-demand digital skills while also introducing students to the wide variety of career paths open to digital storytellers.

Data Scientist and Macaulay professor Allen Hillery designed and taught the highly experiential course. Students created their own projects using industry-standard technology, Tableau, and heard from experts in the field. During a visit to The New York Times offices, Graphics Editor Larry Buchanan emphasized the ethical and journalistic power of data. And on another class outing to Salesforce Tower, they learned about how data informs the business landscape.

“This course gave me confidence in myself alongside a solid foundation of what data is, how to approach data literacy, and what can come out of it,” reflected Katherine Quach ’24 (Baruch).

The course is part of a broader initiative to acquaint non-STEM students with the kinds of tech skills that are constantly creeping into every corner of the career landscape. The teaching model combines skill building, career and credential exploration, and engagement with external partners.

Several students reported a burgeoning interest in data storytelling, and Katherine may already have a foot in the door. “With the help of Professor Allen, I successfully landed a junior consulting analyst internship!”