Shana Mathew

Shana Mathew '21 (Brooklyn)

Shana Mathew ’21 is a Chemistry and Psychology double major with a minor in neuroscience. She was President of Brooklyn College’s chapter of SPARK, an organization that teaches lessons surrounding self-esteem, leadership, and anti-bullying in local elementary schools. She also served as the worship leader for her chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, as copy editor for the campus newspaper, and as Vice President of Desi Culture Club. Aside from clubs, she was a research assistant in both biochemistry and educational psychology labs on campus and studied abroad to China in January of 2019.

In June 2019, Shana participated in a Global Medical Brigade to Panama. Currently, she volunteers with The Bridge NYC by conducting a weekly arts and crafts groups for individuals recovering from mental illness and substance abuse. Additionally, she is a volunteer working with senior residents in an assisted living facility. Next year, Shana will be attending the Masters Program in General Psychology at Stony Brook University and hopes to pursue a career in clinical psychology.